Results for 'Willem Martin de Jong'

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  1.  36
    Institutional structures and variation of information: An international comparison of transport infrastructure decision-making.Willem Martin de Jong - 1999 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 12 (2):52-74.
    Many analytical studies purporting to aid decision-making are produced and yet their contribution to actual decision-making is questioned. This article focuses on how institutional structures influence the way analytical information is actually used. A variation of information criterion for quality of decision-making is developed and used to analyze what types of structures incite actors to both generate and store a variety of ideas and arguments. An international comparison on transport infrastructure planning is used to demonstrate the relevant institutional mechanisms and (...)
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    Did Hobbes Have a Semantic Theory of Truth?Williem R. De Jong - 1990 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 28 (1):63-88.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Did Hobbes Have a Semantic Theory of Truth? WILLEM R. DEJONG 1. INTRODUCTION THE qUESTIONRAISEDin the title of this article may strike the reader as a bit anachronistic. A phrase like 'semantic theory of truth' evokes associations with rather recent developments in logic, especially the work of Alfred Tarski. Nevertheless, it is generally agreed that Hobbes made important observations of a semantical nature. Moreover, in an interesting article (...)
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  3. The classical model of science: A millennia-old model of scientific rationality.Willem R. de Jong & Arianna Betti - 2010 - Synthese 174 (2):185-203.
    Throughout more than two millennia philosophers adhered massively to ideal standards of scientific rationality going back ultimately to Aristotle’s Analytica posteriora . These standards got progressively shaped by and adapted to new scientific needs and tendencies. Nevertheless, a core of conditions capturing the fundamentals of what a proper science should look like remained remarkably constant all along. Call this cluster of conditions the Classical Model of Science . In this paper we will do two things. First of all, we will (...)
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  4. Over Spinoza’s Verhandeling, vertalen en de methode.Willem de Jong - 2003 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 2.
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  5. The analytic-synthetic distinction and the classical model of science: Kant, Bolzano and Frege.Willem R. de Jong - 2010 - Synthese 174 (2):237-261.
    This paper concentrates on some aspects of the history of the analytic-synthetic distinction from Kant to Bolzano and Frege. This history evinces considerable continuity but also some important discontinuities. The analytic-synthetic distinction has to be seen in the first place in relation to a science, i.e. an ordered system of cognition. Looking especially to the place and role of logic it will be argued that Kant, Bolzano and Frege each developed the analytic-synthetic distinction within the same conception of scientific rationality, (...)
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  6. Bernard Bolzano, analyticity and the aristotelian model of science.Willem R. de Jong - 2001 - Kant Studien 92 (3):328-349.
    Quine's well-known ‘Two Dogmas of Empiricism’ (1951) plays a key role in the debate about the analytic-synthetic distinction. Taking to task the ideas of Carnap in particular, Quine shows that logical positivism works with a concept of scientific rationality that is based dogmatically on, among other things, the opposition analytic-synthetic.
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  7. Kant’s Analytic Judgments and the Traditional Theory of Concepts.Willem R. de Jong - 1995 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 33 (4):613-641.
  8. Hobbes's logic: language and scientific method.Willem R. De Jong - 1986 - History and Philosophy of Logic 7 (2):123-142.
    This paper analyses the relationship between Hobbes's theory of language and his theory of science and method. It is shown that Hobbes, at least in his Computatio sive Logica (1655), deviates in some measure from the traditional (Aristotelian) model of language. In this model speech is considered to be a fairly unproblematic expression of thought, which itself is independent of language. Basing himself on a nominalist account of universals, Hobbes states that the demonstration or assertion of universal propositions presupposes speech (...)
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  9.  34
    Een geschiedenis van het mid-denken.Willem R. de Jong - 1996 - Philosophia Reformata 61 (1):30-43.
    Een poging om de geschiedenis van een denkwijze door de eeuwen heen, in dit geval die van het schema van “het midden- en middellijkheidsdenken” , resp. het “denken in termen van ‘midden’ en ‘bemiddeling’” , kritisch in kaart te brengen valt op het eerste gezicht onder het genre Ideengeschichte of history of ideas. Zeker wanneer men ideeëngeschiedenis enerzijds enger, maar anderzijds daarbinnen weer breder opvat dan de invulling die Arthur Lovejoy daaraan gaf in zijn bekende The Great Chain of Being (...)
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    The ethics of consent during labour and birth: episiotomies.Marit van der Pijl, Corine Verhoeven, Martine Hollander, Ank de Jonge & Elselijn Kingma - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (9):611-617.
    Unconsented episiotomies and other procedures during labour are commonly reported by women in several countries, and often highlighted in birth activism. Yet, forced caesarean sections aside, the ethics of consent during labour has received little attention. Focusing on episiotomies, this paper addresses whether and how consent in labour should be obtained. We briefly review the rationale for informed consent, distinguishing its intrinsic and instrumental relevance for respecting autonomy. We also emphasise two non-explicit ways of giving consent: implied and opt-out consent. (...)
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  11. Kant's theory of geometrical reasoning and the analytic-synthetic distinction. On Hintikka's interpretation of Kant's philosophy of mathematics.Willem R. de Jong - 1997 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 28 (1):141-166.
    Kant's distinction between analytic and synthetic method is connected to the so-called Aristotelian model of science and has to be interpreted in a (broad) directional sense. With the distinction between analytic and synthetic judgments the critical Kant did introduced a new way of using the terms 'analytic'-'synthetic', but one that still lies in line with their directional sense. A careful comparison of the conceptions of the critical Kant with ideas of the precritical Kant as expressed in _Ãœber die Deutlichkeit, leads (...)
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  12.  51
    Cross-national policy transfer to developing countries: Prologue.Martin de Jong, Jean-Philippe Waaub & Otto Kroesen - 2007 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 19 (4):3-8.
  13.  51
    Transferring the technology, policy, and management concept from the Netherlands to China.Martin de Jong & Xi Bao - 2007 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 19 (4):119-136.
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  14.  62
    Gottlob Frege and the analytic-synthetic distinction within the framework of the aristotelian model of science.Willem R. de Jong - 1996 - Kant Studien 87 (3):290-324.
  15.  91
    Understanding how to import good governance practices in Bangladeshi villages.Martin de Jong & Otto Kroesen - 2007 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 19 (4):9-25.
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  16.  41
    Manipulative tactics in budgetary games: The art and craft of getting the money you don’t deserve.W. Martin de Jong - 2001 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 14 (1):50-66.
  17.  68
    Research monitoring by US medical institutions to protect human subjects: compliance or quality improvement?Jean Philippe de Jong, Myra C. B. van Zwieten & Dick L. Willems - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (4):236-241.
    In recent years, to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects, institutions in the USA have begun to set up programmes to monitor ongoing medical research. These programmes provide routine, onsite oversight, and thus go beyond existing oversight such as investigating suspected misconduct or reviewing paperwork provided by investigators. However, because of a lack of guidelines and evidence, institutions have had little guidance in setting up their programmes. To help institutions make the right choices, we used interviews and document (...)
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  18.  42
    Consent and episiotomies: do not let the perfect be the enemy of the good.Elselijn Kingma, Marit van der Pijl, Corine Verhoeven, Martine Hollander & Ank de Jonge - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (9):632-633.
    We read commentaries on our feature article ‘The ethics of consent during labour and birth: episiotomies’1 with gratitude and interest. Nearly all commenting authors agree that consent for in-labour procedures is necessary and ideally given at the point of intervening. Both Shalowitz & Ralston and Stirrat note that this is already required by professional statements and guidelines in the USA2 and UK3, respectively, but also note that practice does not yet conform. The Americans authors helpfully emphasise the importance of multilevel (...)
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  19.  44
    Are speed/accuracy trade-offs caused by neuromotor noise, or not?Willem P. De Jong & Gerard P. Van Galen - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):306-307.
    Notwithstanding its overwhelming descriptive power for existing data, it is not clear whether the kinematic theory of Plamondon & Alimi could generate new insights into biomechanical constraints and psychological processes underlying the way organisms trade off speed for accuracy. The kinematic model should elaborate on the role of neuromotor noise and on biomechanical strategies for reducing endpoint variability related to such noise.
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  20. Formele logika. Een inleiding.Willem R. de Jong - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51 (4):738-739.
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  21. Introduction.Arianna Betti & Willem R. de Jong - 2010 - Synthese 174 (2):181-183.
  22. The axiomatic method, the order of concepts and the hierarchy of sciences: an introduction.Arianna Betti, Willem R. de Jong & Marije Martijn - 2011 - Synthese 183 (1):1-5.
  23. How Is Metaphysics as a Science Possible? Kant on the Distinction between Philosophical and Mathematical Method.Willem R. De Jong - 1995 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (2):235 - 274.
    Where the possibility of metaphysics as a science is concerned, Kant assigns the exact sciences the function of an exemplar; for these disciplines have long been well established on "the secure path of a science." Accordingly, in the Prolegomena Kant explicitly addresses the question "How is metaphysics possible as a science?" by way of the questions "How is pure mathematics possible?" and "How is pure natural science possible?" Moreover, all these questions arise directly out of the main transcendental question: "How (...)
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  24.  49
    The boston bio-bang: The emergence of a “Regional system of innovation”.Haiko Van der Voort & Martin De Jong - 2004 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 16 (4):46-60.
    In this article we will describe the emergence of a great number of small, regionally concentrated, innovative biotech companies. We see these organizations as “hosts” of concepts and ideas, greatly influencing their spreading over the sector. We have chosen an evolutionary perspective following individual companies in their struggle for survival, describing it as “obtaining food” and “fooling predators.” This struggle gives insight in the behavior of the biotech companies and related institutions as a “system of innovation.” One of our findings (...)
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  25.  31
    Cross-national transfer of policy models to developing countries: Epilogue.Otto Kroesen, Martin de Jong & Jean-Philippe Waaub - 2007 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 19 (4):137-142.
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    Tibetan Studies.Alex Wayman & Jan Willem de Jong - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (3):550.
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    Evolutionary theory in the administrative sciences: Introduction.Martin De Jong & Haiko Van der Voort - 2004 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 16 (4):16-29.
    The term “evolution” is often used in the administrative sciences to designate dynamic processes of change in general. In biology, evolution has a very specific meaning, namely the application of a generative variation-selective retention scheme to change. Applying this to the administrative sciences is more exacting: describing what the variation consists of, how replication of the generated variation occurs and delineating the population from which the selection is made are far from easy. While it is the intention of this special (...)
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  28.  47
    Can structured planning frameworks fulfill the needs of Cambodia’s rural poor?Caroline Ramaekers & Martin de Jong - 2007 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 19 (4):61-76.
  29.  24
    Reliability and Validity of the Utrecht Tasks for Attention in Toddlers Using Eye Tracking.Anneloes L. van Baar, Marjanneke de Jong, Martine Maat, Ignace T. C. Hooge, Lilly Bogičević & Marjolein Verhoeven - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Concurrent processing of words and their replacements during speech.Robert J. Hartsuiker, Ciara M. Catchpole, Nivja H. de Jong & Martin J. Pickering - 2008 - Cognition 108 (3):601-607.
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  31. A quodam persa exstiterunt : re-orienting Manichaean origins.A. de Jong - 2008 - In Alberdina Houtman, Albert de Jong & Magdalena Wilhelmina Misset-van de Weg, Empsychoi Logoi--Religious Innovations in Antiquity: Studies in Honour of Pieter Willem Van Der Horst. Boston: Brill.
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    Ethical Advice for an Intensive Care Triage Protocol in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned from The Netherlands.Marcel Verweij, Suzanne van de Vathorst, Maartje Schermer, Dick Willems & Martine de Vries - 2020 - Public Health Ethics 13 (2):157-165.
    At the height of the COVID-19 crisis in the Netherlands a shortness of intensive care beds was looming. Dutch professional medical organizations asked a group of ethicists for assistance in drafting guidelines and criteria for selection of patients for intensive care treatment in case of absolute scarcity, when medical selection criteria would no longer suffice. This article describes the Dutch context, the process of drafting the advice and reflects on the role of ethicists and lessons learned. We argue that timely (...)
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  33.  18
    Epilogue.Haiko Van der Voort, Ruben van Wendel de Joode & Martin De Jong - 2004 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 16 (4):109-113.
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    Empsychoi Logoi--Religious Innovations in Antiquity: Studies in Honour of Pieter Willem Van Der Horst.Alberdina Houtman, Albert de Jong & Magdalena Wilhelmina Misset-van de Weg (eds.) - 2008 - Boston: Brill.
    "The fact that religions show internal variation and develop over time is not only a problem for believers, but has also long engaged scholars. This is especially true for the religions of the ancient world, where the mere idea of innovation in religious matters evoked notions of revolution and destruction. The present volume brings together articles that study this transformation, ranging from broad overviews to detailed case-studies."--BOOK JACKET.
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  35. Beweging Uitwaarts. [Deur] W.A. De Klerk, Martin Versfeld [En] J.J. Degenaar.Willem Abraham De Klerk, Marthinus Versfeld & Johannes Jacobus Degenaar - 1969 - J. Malherbe.
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    Review of Willem R. De Jong, Argumentatie en formele structuur. [REVIEW]Filip Buekens - 2006 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 98:316-318.
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    Hierarchical Structure in Sequence Processing: How to Measure It and Determine Its Neural Implementation.Julia Uddén, Mauricio de Jesus Dias Martins, Willem Zuidema & W. Tecumseh Fitch - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (3):910-924.
    Spoken language consists of a linear sequence of units, from which the existence of particular underlying hierarchical processing mechanisms is inferred. Uddén et al. use graph theory to provide a framework for describing the possible structural relationships that may underlie a linear output sequence. Being more explicit in defining different structures can help identifying and testing for such structures in AGL experiments, as well as help showing how behavioral and neuroimaging data reveals signatures of hierarchical processing in humans.
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  38.  9
    Tibetan Studies. Jan Willem De Jong.Karel Werner - 1998 - Buddhist Studies Review 15 (1):131-132.
    Tibetan Studies. Jan Willem De Jong., Indica et Tibetica Verlag, Swisstal-Odendorf 1994, xi, 254 pp. Pb, DM64. ISBN 3 923 776 25 X.
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  39.  12
    Jan Willem de Jong.Russell Webb - 2000 - Buddhist Studies Review 17 (1):67-70.
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    Holger Zaborowski, „Eine Frage von Irre und Schuld?“ Martin Heidegger und der Nationalsozialismus.Willem Van Reijen - 2012 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 119 (1):215-223.
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    The Book of Ezekiel and its Influence. Edited by Henk Jan de Jonge and Johannes Tromp.Martin McNamara - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (1):136-136.
  42. Michael Steinmann, Martin Heideggers Sein und Zeit (= Werkinterpretationen).Willem Van Reijen - 2011 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 118 (2):451.
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  43. Review of Johan de Jong: The Movement of Showing: Indirect Method, Critique, and Responsibility in Derrida, Hegel, and Heidegger. [REVIEW]Sarah Horton - 2021 - Phenomenological Reviews 2021.
    Review of Johan de Jong, The Movement of Showing: Indirect Method, Critique, and Responsibility in Derrida, Hegel, and Heidegger (New York: SUNY, 2020).
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    The long goodbye: Hugo Grotius’ justification of Dutch expansion overseas, 1615–1645.Martine Julia van Ittersum - 2010 - History of European Ideas 36 (4):386-411.
    This article examines Grotius’ lifelong support for Dutch expansion overseas. As noted in other publications of mine, Grotius cooperated closely with the directors of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in the years 1604–1615. Right up to his arrest for high treason in August 1618, he contributed towards Dutch government discussions about the establishment of a West India Company (WIC). Three years of imprisonment at Loevestein Castle and, following his escape, long years of exile could not weaken his dedication to (...)
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    About the Body and the Mind.Martin Hemelík - 2016 - E-Logos 23 (2):27-36.
    V rámci této stati jsou publikovány první české překlady dopisů, které si na jaře roku 1665 vyměnili B. Spinoza a Willem de Blyenbergh. Obsahem dopisů jsou Blyenberghovy otázky, které vyplynuly z jejich osobního setkání a týkaly se vztahu mysli a těla. Spinozův dopis je vysvětlením toho, proč na dané otázky nemůže odpovědět.
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    The long goodbye: Hugo Grotius’ justification of Dutch expansion overseas, 1615–1645.Martine van Ittersum - 2010 - History of European Ideas 36 (4):386-411.
    This article examines Grotius’ lifelong support for Dutch expansion overseas. As noted in other publications of mine, Grotius cooperated closely with the directors of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in the years 1604–1615. Right up to his arrest for high treason in August 1618, he contributed towards Dutch government discussions about the establishment of a West India Company (WIC). Three years of imprisonment at Loevestein Castle and, following his escape, long years of exile could not weaken his dedication to (...)
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  47.  29
    Fenomenologie van het proces van bewijzen in strafzaken.Thomas Jacobus de Jong - 2019 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 48 (1):85-107.
    Fenomenologie van het proces van bewijzen in strafzaken In deze bijdrage staat de activiteit van bewijzen in strafzaken centraal. Betoogd wordt dat de vigerende rationalistische opvatting van strafrechtelijk bewijzen eraan voorbij gaat dat het bewijzen zich allereerst voltrekt op een vóór-reflectief niveau. Het primaire blikveld van de mens is namelijk niet het objectiverende kennen, zoals in de rationele bewijstheorieën wordt voorondersteld, maar de praktische relatie tot de wereld. In dit kader wordt eerst de filosofische achtergrond van de rationalistische bewijsopvatting in (...)
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  48. Could the Neural ABC Explain the Mind?H. Looren De Jong & M. K. D. Schouten - unknown
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  49.  82
    Technological Understanding: On the cognitive skill involved in the design and use of technological artefacts.Eline de Jong & Sebastian de Haro - manuscript
    Although several accounts of scientific understanding exist, the concept of understanding in relation to technology remains underexplored. This paper addresses this gap by proposing a philosophical account of technological understanding—the type of understanding that is required for and reflected by successfully designing and using technological artefacts. We develop this notion by building on the concept of scientific understanding. Drawing on parallels between science and technology, and specifically between scientific theories and technological artefacts, we extend the idea of scientific understanding into (...)
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  50.  45
    How Does It Fit? Exploring the Congruence Between Organizations and Their Corporate Social Responsibility Activities.Menno D. T. de Jong & Mark van der Meer - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 143 (1):71-83.
    Several studies have focused on the effects of corporate social responsibility fit on external stakeholders’ evaluations of CSR activities, attitudes towards companies or brands, and behaviors. The results so far have been contradictory. A possible reason may be that the concept of CSR fit is more complicated than previously assumed. Researchers suggest that there may be different types of CSR fit, but so far no empirical research has focused on a typology of CSR fit. This study fills this gap, describing (...)
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